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Franklin County Job and Family Services

Child Care Licensing - Family Child Care Providers

In Ohio, you need a license in order to provide child care for children who are eligible for Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC). If you would like to provide care for PFCC-eligible children (no more than 6) from your home, you must become a licensed Family Child Care Provider.

How do I become a Family Child Care Provider?

Anyone interested in becoming a Family Child Care Provider must apply online through state’s Ohio Child Licensing Quality System (OCLQS). You can learn more about the application process and access job aids at

Once you complete the necessary orientation and paperwork and submit your $250 payment, the application will be sent to the Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services (FCDJFS) for review.  FCDJFS will conduct the required inspections and, if approved, submit a recommendation for licensure to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS).  If your license is approved by the state, FCDJFS will continue to conduct ongoing inspections and monitor to make sure you continue to meet ODJFS licensure rules.
FCDJFS is also working with Action For Children to offer training for anyone who is interested in applying to become a Family Child Care Provider in Franklin County.  You can call Action for Children at (614) 224-0222 to learn more and get scheduled to attend training.
What are the minimum qualifications to become a Family Child Care Provider?
To become a Family Child Care Provider, you must meet the following minimum qualifications: 

  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Pass a home inspection
  • Pass local, FBI and BCII background checks
  • Pass a Franklin County Children Services  request for Child Abuse and Neglect Report
  • Attend First Aid, CPR and Health and Safety trainings
  • Attend 6 hours of child care training each year to keep your license
  • Provide a medical statement signed by a medical professional demonstrating the you are physically fit to provide care (see Appendix B of Rule 5101:2-13-02)
  • Provide child care services only in their home of residence
  • Have a working cell phone or land-line telephone
Additionally, any other adult(s) living in the home AND any identified child care staff members or substitute caregivers must also:
  • Pass local, FBI and BCII background checks
  • Pass a Franklin County Children Services  request for Child Abuse and Neglect Report
  • Attend First Aid, CPR and Health and Safety trainings
For a complete list of requirements, please review the Family Child Care Manual and the Child Care In-Home Aide Manual. Click HERE to visit state Child Care Rules and Forms Web page to review these manuals and learn more.